Subj : MISSED MAIL To : All From : Daryl Stout Date : Mon Sep 18 2000 04:19 pm This message was from DARYL STOUT to ALL originally in conference System News on THUNDER (The Thunderbolt BBS) and was forwarded to you by DARYL STOUT ---------------------------------------- Due to recent FIDO hub changes for The Thunderbolt BBS, I'm sure I've missed quite a bit of mail over the last few weeks. My apologies for any inconvenience...but, I think my new hub and I have things working again. If you've sent any messages to me since the first of the month, please resend them, if it's not too much trouble. Also, my BBS is the LAST remaining FIDOnet (and GT Power, my BBS software) BBS in Arkansas...and my new FIDO address is 1:19/33. The former Little Rock FIDOnet, Net 3821, is no more. Daryl Stout, 1:19/33 * OLX 1.53 * This message from Arkansas' GT Power and FIDOnet BBS Hub. * OLX 1.53 * This message from Arkansas' GT Power and FIDOnet BBS Hub. --- * PDQWK 2.52 #5 --- GTMail 1.26 * Origin: The Thunderbolt BBS, Little Rock, Arkansas (1:19/33.0) .