Subj : What Transceiver To Buy? To : George Avera From : Roy Witt Date : Sun Jul 15 2001 09:45 am Hello George. 12 Jul 01 17:38, you wrote to All: GA> By the way, because my BBS (The Chatterbox, Justin, TX) has not been GA> getting any traffic on HAM_TECH or AMATEUR_RADIO, I'm wondering: GA> what's your location, and when did you get the message you responded GA> to? Both echoes have been so low in traffic that they were dropped by one of the distribution systems. I happen to be connected to both systems. You're quite welcome to post your stuff in HAM and let these two echoes die. There's not that much interest in amateur radio on Fidonet these days. .... It must be a glitch in my OLR. A thousand pardons. --- Twit(t) Filter v2.1 (C) 2000 * Origin: Califia's Devil Star * (1:10/22) .