Subj : What Transceiver To Buy? To : GEORGE AVERA From : DAVID PRATT Date : Thu Jul 12 2001 07:41 am -> ID MaxGate 1.0.2 20002 -> SGID: 1000970 00A27987 -> What Transceiver To Buy? -> -> My questions are: -> What is your opinion of which would be the best DXer's XCVR for a home -> station? -> Ditto for a take along portable? Hello George - I would recommend buying an Elecraft K2 transceiver kit. I bought one about a year ago and it rekindled my interest in amateur radio. If you have Internet access, have a look at Their site describes the K1 and K2 transceivers. They are a fine example of kit rigs for the radio amateur. The performance of the receiver is second to none. 73 David G4DMP --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5 * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:18/140) .