Subj : What Transceiver To Buy? To : George Avera From : Roy Witt Date : Mon Jul 23 2001 12:51 pm Hello George. 18 Jul 01 18:44, you wrote to me: >> quite welcome to post your stuff in HAM and let these two echoes die. >> There's not that much interest in amateur radio on Fidonet these days. >> GA> We don't get HAM here. It may be a good idea to get it and (as you GA> say) drop the other two, Amateur_Radio and Ham_tech. GA> cc: CB sysop Jim Edmonson You might want to tell Jim that the HAM echo is a lot friendlier than when his friend was the moderator. .... A butterfly is a self-propelled flower. --- Twit(t) Filter v2.1 (C) 2000 * Origin: Califia's Devil Star * (1:10/22) .