Subj : Macnet 2002 Ham Software List To : All From : George Avera Date : Thu Apr 04 2002 11:14 am Macnet 2002 Ham Software List compiled by John WD1V WD1V Table of Contents Last Updated 4/1/2002 Antenna & Circuit Design BBS & FTP Sites for Radio CW, Morse Practice Call Book Data Ham Tests Preparation - Electronics Study Logs Propagation Mac Programming & PC Emulation Packet & Other Digital Modes Radio Control Satellite Tracking Software Collections DISCLAIMER: The software listed is not endorsed by Apple Computer, Inc.(c) nor has it all been tested by the author/providers of this information. Thanks to Patty Winter N6BIS & Terry Stader KA8SCP for original list work. --- Aeolus v1.2.2b3 (#96101098) * Origin: The ChatterBox, Justin Texas (1:393/3) .