Subj : Elecraft K2 To : THOM LACOSTA From : DAVID PRATT Date : Sat May 10 2003 07:28 am -> I was going to add the KAF2 to my's one of those "round to it" -> projects. -> -> -> DP> Would someone please tell me the relative merits of DSP over a good -> DP> audio filter? -> -> From what I've read, the DSP will allow you to copy SSB easier, and it has an -> auto notch filter to removes the hetrodynes. -> -> I'm going to wait until someone local installs one....I hardly ever operate -> SSB, so it would have to REALLY help things on cw for me to add it. Thanks, Thom, I am much of the same mind. I use mainly CW and am finding the KAF2 just fine. Rather than order the KDSP2 immediately it is released, I am watching the Elecraft e-mail list with interest to see what folks have to say about its performance. It is interesting that there are some people selling their KAF2 modules already, without having tried the KDSP2. 73 David G4DMP --- Platinum Xpress/Win/WINServer v3.0pr5 * Origin: Try Our Web Based QWK: DOCSPLACE.ORG (1:123/140) .