Subj : Technical discussion To : David Pratt From : Andy Ball Date : Thu Jun 19 2003 05:46 pm Hello David, DP> Ah, so you missed my article in the latest issue of > Sprat or how to modify the Elecraft K2 to enable it to > operate on 60m ;-) I'm afraid I did. Perhaps one day I'll be able to buy all the back-issues on a DVD-ROM disc (or something). When I went to the local club meeting, I was surprised by the 60m announcement: it's not every day we're granted a new band! :-) DP> the 5MHz mini-bands are certainly very interesting and > something to look forward to in the US. Are you coming to visit? I'll stick the kettle on then... 73, - Andy, KB9YLW --- BBBS/NT v4.01 Flag-4 # Origin: FamilyNet Sponsored by (8:8/2) * Origin: BBS Networks @ [8010] 808-839-5016 (1:10/345) .