Subj : Slackware 15-ish To : Benny Pedersen From : Maurice Kinal Date : Tue Feb 23 2021 03:11 pm -={ 2021-02-23 15:11:35.736237419+00:00 }=- Hey Benny! BP> slackware just miss gentoo portage I've never heard anyone using slackware ever complain about the lack of proprietary apps before. BP> revdep-rebuild comes handy on brokken slackpkg How so? I've never used slackpkg and have never heard of revdep-rebuild before now. Personally I prefer slackware pkg format to deb, rpm, whatever, given that it requires no additional tools to deal with it. tar and xz these days is all it takes, although mc for browsing tarballs is a nice touch. Life is good, Maurice .... Ne nanwuht ne byð yfel, ær mon wene þæt it yfel seo. Nothing is misery unless one thinks it is misery. --- GNU bash, version 5.1.4(1)-release (x86_64-motorshed-linux-gnu) * Origin: Little Mikey's Brain - Ladysmith BC, Canada (1:153/7001) .