Subj : Linux Virtual Modem using VoIP? To : Anna Christina Nass From : Kees van Eeten Date : Thu Mar 11 2021 11:54 pm Hello Anna! 11 Mar 21 16:52, you wrote to Nick Young: NY>> Does anyone know of a way to 'emulate' a modem which listens on a VoIP NY>> SIP/IAX line? Once the call is received I can probably work the rest NY>> out. ACN> Have a look at IAXmodem, maybe this helps: ACN> ACN> It connects via IAX to an Asterisk server and provides a modem interface. ACN> But I haven't tried it myself. It is a Fax modem, not very usefull for dataconnections. Besides for IAX you will most likely need an Asterisk PBX as well. Kees --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5--b20180707 * Origin: As for me, all I know is that, I know nothing. (2:280/5003.4) .