Subj : Linux Virtual Modem using VoIP? To : Kai Richter From : Karel Kral Date : Mon Mar 15 2021 04:23 pm Hello Kai! 15 Mar 21 08:19, you wrote to me: KR> b) Ask a node with POTS and IP to establish a direct route between KR> those people and you and use that node as a gateway. This I am using (my uplink is so kind to do that) KR> c) Get old hardware and a real modem. Even if you need an POTS/VOIP KR> ATA converter it will be cheaper than the 100.000 for kickstarter KR> project or your 100 share for the kickstarter. You will get the fun KR> for finding the right Init-AT command for free. No chance to get analog here. KR> d) Get old hardware, a real modem and your own POTS provider. No fun KR> because Init ATZ. Like above. KR> e) Send encrypted mircoSD cards via snailmail. ;-) KR> f) Send a carrier pigeon. ;-) Karel --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: Plast DATA (2:423/39) .