Subj : Linux Virtual Modem using VoIP? To : Kai Richter From : Karel Kral Date : Tue Mar 16 2021 08:04 am Hello Kai! 15 Mar 21 19:05, you wrote to me: KR> The converter will take analog wires and transfer to VoIP. FXS or FXO, KR> sorry, i'm not used to the professional wordings and mix them up, but KR> you will find the glossary at the asterisk environment. OK. Asterisk is not my case, but in the past I tested my Huawei LTE router. It registered with my SIP provider. I bought cheap modem from wish and were able to exchange some kB via V.32 (calling some BBS). But it was from windows machine (as my "NAS" solution did not work with that USB thing). I made decission between: a) to make node local, invest a bit into linux (rasp pi), buy better LTE router/converter (have Cisco in mind) and better modem (stil USR is available). But. I am exchanging approx 1GB/month and considering hardware "maintenance" and other thing - b) I decided hosting VPS and using (still/just) ipv6/ipv4. Then I started to look for /dev/ttySblbla solution... (which is this thread about). Karel --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: Plast DATA (2:423/39) .