Subj : shiney new To : Gerrit Kuehn From : Maurice Kinal Date : Fri Apr 16 2021 01:31 pm -={ 2021-04-16 13:31:05.952678587+00:00 }=- Hey Gerrit! GK> As memory leaks are usually bugs, there is nothing I can GK> specifically recommend here. Just as well since I probably avoid running whatever it is anyhow. So far everything has been behaving itself and there is definetly more than enough ram, overkill I'd say. GK> I can only say that I experience this kind of issue every once GK> in a while, and without swap a system can run out of memory GK> pretty quickly. Understood. However the two mini-servers currently being used here only have an SSD which apparently is an issue for swap. For any serious file storage I have a server on the private LAN that takes care of regular sata drives as it can hotswap them if and when it matters. I suppose if push comes to shove I could supply swap over the network but offhand I don't like this idea. GK> Sometimes the kernel will start terminating processes at random GK> before you can even think CTRL-C. No keyboard(s) on them. Occasionaly a monitor to watch a new system boot up but that doesn't happen too often. On the one I am writing this reply on, I am using a ssh login from my main workstation which is also on the private LAN. Both the Brain and the EuroPoint are running on wireless hotspots but there is no access from the wireless interface. That is just for the neighbours who need them to access the internet with their smart devices, mostly smartphones. So far the lack of swap hasn't been a concern and probably has saved money given my frugal nature of doing writes to their SSDs. +20 years ago it was a bootable CompactFlash that kickstarted this whole idea for me. That was around 1999-ish. No swap then either. Life is good, Maurice .... Gold geriseĆ¾ on guman sweorde... sinc on cwene. Gold is fitting for a man's sword, precious things for a woman. --- GNU bash, version 5.1.4(1)-release (x86_64-motorshed-linux-gnu) * Origin: Little Mikey's Brain - Ladysmith BC, Canada (1:153/7001) .