Subj : memleak :) To : Gerrit Kuehn From : Oleg Artemjev Date : Sun Apr 25 2021 04:13 pm Hello, Gerrit Kuehn. On 4/16/21 8:44 AM you wrote: MK>> After +20 some odd years I have yet to see that happen. GK> Just start an application that runs into a memory leak... --------cut memleak.c ------- #define gigs = 8 // your gigabytes here #include int main() { long int i=0; while(i<1024*1024*1024*gigs/2) { void *nofree = malloc(++i); } return 0; } ---------cut------- Try this w/ gcc -o memleak memleak.c; ./memleak No free() after malloc() should give memory leak, isn't it? -- Best regards! Posted using Hotdoged on Android --- Hotdoged/2.13.5/Android * Origin: Android device, Milky Way (2:5020/2141.808) .