Subj : Bash script To : All From : Rick Smith Date : Sat Jun 19 2021 11:30 am Greetings All! I believe this is where this ? goes... Not sure if this is where I would ask this question or not? I am trying to make bash script to combine a couple of other scripts and I had a couple of questions. So If I make a script that performs something and then it calls say another script, would the first script then pause until the called side script completes? If not is there a way to make it wait to move forward until the other one completes? I hope I am describing this well for you. ---- Regards, Rick Smith (Nitro) .... There's a fine line between BBSing and beebling --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20180707 * Origin: ----> Abacus Sysop Point --->>>> (1:105/10.1) .