Subj : VPN To : Maurice Kinal From : Benny Pedersen Date : Wed Sep 29 2021 09:37 pm Hello Maurice! 29 Sep 2021 00:38, Maurice Kinal wrote to Benny Pedersen: BP>> if you did the husky clang compile in termux it would be complete MK> I didn't know there was one. I'll have a looksee later. +1 if some make the husky.vim embedded editor it would be a dream :=) BP>> not the gcc bugs there ? BP>> or upgrade features :=) MK> It has it all. :-/ yep MK> Now that the 5.10.68 kernel is booted everything looks a tad more MK> stable. 5.10.68 is also current stable on gentoo BP>> without python there would be no gentoo anyware MK> Are you bragging or complaining? if i was there would be no fuglu on gentoo BP>> curl can du gopher:// MK> That is news to me. +1 MK>>> A gcc port would have been best. BP>> start createing it :) MK> If it really mattered any I would. I see little value in any of MK> that. But I still believe termux is the best thing I've seen on MK> those devices. gcc can be crosscompiled, so one does not need the mobilphone to do this, i do the same now here when my linux vps have not ram and harddisk space enough, shrug to linode :=) BP>> and a tftp server MK> Speaking of streaming, mplayer will work with that. I am less MK> confident about gopher. curl gopher:// | mplayer dont see why it could not make to work Regards Benny .... too late to die young :) --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/5.14.8-gentoo-dist (x86_64)) * Origin: gopher:// (2:230/0) .