Subj : mama always said you'd be the chosen one To : Richard Falken From : Maurice Kinal Date : Wed Nov 03 2021 08:25 pm -={ 2021-11-03 20:25:36.469777686+00:00 }=- Hey Richard! RF> It is quite handy. That and it's leaness is what I find appealing. However as a mp4 streamer it really sucks but mp3's seem to fare better with the same client (mplayer using the gopher protocol). So far ftp wins out in this particular usage for such a thing. RF> My Posts folders are generated with Perl from the contents of my RF> websites. My posts are from fidonet aware bash scripts. There is a perl oneliner in the packing routine to generate the binary parts of the pktHeader and msgHeaders. Perl is a better choice for compatibilty reasons (eg a properly standardized localtime immediately comes to mind). Also I believe perl has a way to generate nanoseconds for strftime() purposes which is most definetly a consideration for current and future compatibilty. Life is good, Maurice .... Don't cry for me I have vi. --- GNU bash, version 5.1.8(1)-release (x86_64-moosile-linux-gnu) * Origin: One of us @ (1:153/7001.61453) .