Subj : Re: reboot :) To : Jon Justvig From : Dennis Katsonis Date : Fri Mar 18 2022 08:26 pm -=> Jon Justvig wrote to Dennis Katsonis <=- JJ> @MSGID: <> JJ> @REPLY: <> JJ> Re: Re: reboot :) JJ> By: Dennis Katsonis to Jon Justvig on Thu Mar 17 2022 09:10 pm DK> -=> Jon Justvig wrote to Benny Pedersen <=- JJ> Let's keep it going... JJ> find / -type f -size 1G JJ> This command will start in the root / directory and check files and JJ> list them if the file(s) are 1 gigs or more. JJ> === Ahh, with ZSH you can do this with ls **/*(.Lm+1) or to run any command on those files chown user.user **/*(.Lm+1) Change user and group to "user" for any file in this directory tree over 1M But here is another, works with bash and zsh. Lets day you run a command, and you want to reuse the last parameter for example you type ls /home/user/documents/file/path/this_is_a_text_file.txt now you want to delete it, so instead of typing the path again, or hitting up arrow and changing "ls" to "rm", you can just use "ALT-." to bring up the last parameter. Type rm, then alt-., and the last parameter from the last command, in this example the long path and filename, will be inserted. .... MultiMail, the new multi-platform, multi-format offline reader! --- MultiMail/Linux v0.52 * Origin: MS & RD BBS (3:633/384) .