Subj : it's To : Michael Dukelsky From : Maurice Kinal Date : Wed Apr 27 2022 07:47 pm Hey Michael! MD> -march= znver3 Sweet. I believe that is the same as the Asus micro system I saw advertized. Also there is an Asrock 4x4 that has that same cpu for what seems like a good price. MD> configuration: cores=8 enabledcores=8 threads=16 Excellent. It looks like a keeper from this angle. Life is good, Maurice .... A sceal snotor hycgean ymb þysse worulde gewinn. A wise person should always be thinking about this world's strife. --- GNU bash, version 5.1.16(1)-release (x86_64-europoint-linux-gnu) * Origin: Little Mikey's EuroPoint @ (2:280/464.113) .