Subj : uefi To : Kai Richter From : Gerrit Kuehn Date : Fri May 27 2022 04:18 pm Hello Kai! 27 May 22 13:13, Kai Richter wrote to Gerrit Kuehn: GK>> I talked about cases where something is broken and your system GK>> doesn't boot (maybe not even the bootmanager comes up). With MBR this GK>> means reconfiguring BIOS boot order, KR> You have to enter the uefi shell by the same way: Dive into the BIOS KR> and select it. If the system doesn't boot the boot override function KR> is essential. No, the default config of a BIOS usually is to come up with EFI shell if everything else fails. KR> I couldn't. The, no, my uefi shell is not self explaining. I failed KR> to start a running system from the uefi shell. Well, ok, my fault. Yes, that's the part that took me some time, too. ;) However, the basic things are not that hard once you find out how it works. GK>> Some manufacturers provide firmware and bios update tools on efi GK>> meanwhile. In that case, you can just drop the new firmware and the GK>> upgrade tool on a USB stick and use UEFI-shell to run it from there. KR> So i have to wait until my BIOS company updates it's tools and i can KR> save them within the BIOS. ? Sorry, you lost me there. GK>> In the MBR-days you would have needed to have a MSDOS-system on the GK>> USB stick in addition KR> Why DOS? We need to kickstart the boot sequence. I was talking about updating BIOS or firmware in your system here, not getting a broken system online again. Updating usually involves some kind of Windows software. As I don't use Windows, this doesn't help me. The fallback option usually is something DOS-based (if it exists), but this requires some extra steps. Having a EFI-based update tool is less of a hassle. KR> I'v seen an EFI editor which my bios doesn't have. Now i've to check KR> if anyone provides this efi software. Which software are you looking for? Most things can be set up with efibootmgr under Linux (or FreeBSD). Regards, Gerrit .... 4:18PM up 65 days, 21:24, 8 users, load averages: 0.59, 0.50, 0.51 --- msged/fbsd 6.3 2021-12-02 * Origin: We are the second generation (2:240/12) .