Subj : high diving act inflation To : Maurice Kinal From : Benny Pedersen Date : Mon Jun 13 2022 10:21 am Hello Maurice! 12 Jun 2022 22:20, Maurice Kinal wrote to Benny Pedersen: MK> What hint are you looking for? I already posted about grub's gfxmode MK> and the kernel's efifb but if more is required I am sure it is doable. MK> I just need to know what you're looking for. grup grphics mode 4k kernel grphics mode 4k x11 grphics mode 4k you only had succes with grup BP>> why keep the booting process fokus ? :=) MK> Becuase that is where it starts, no :) MK although it really isn't an issue as MK> far as linux is concerned. However I always like to see the right MK> thing happening as soon as the power is switched on. its long time since i have see the penguins on gentoo gentoo splash screens and wallpapers want the penguins to live aswell you only need kernel boot initramfs to enable it with the mode= and vga= MK> Now that it is MK> working I am content to move on to better things such as runtime apps. MK> Having said that mplayer is already working so I can't think of what MK> else might be required as far as 4k monitors are concerned. want all in fb0 ? BP>> imho vga and mode is needed in kernel boot options MK> That shouldn't be a problem. Anyhow I've now tested three different MK> monitors on this setup and they all do the right thing except that a MK> 720p monitor cannot display 16 penguins given the shortage of pixels. MK> 1080p works great with room for 4 more (20 total) in it's native i only have a display port monitor at fullhd, 4k is nice and expansive :=) MK> resolution. 4k could use a tad larger consolefont but MK> latarcyrheb-sun32 is readable methinks. It is what I am seeing as I MK> type this reply. yes if we get older add another big font :=) Regards Benny .... too late to die young :) --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/5.17.14-gentoo-dist (x86_64)) * Origin: gopher:// (2:230/0) .