Subj : high diving act inflation To : Benny Pedersen From : Maurice Kinal Date : Fri Jun 17 2022 02:36 pm Hey Benny! BP> if i get a 10 meter long hdmi cable i could test it is it 4k ? I imagine something that size would make a difference compared to 1080p. I don't have a TV, nevermind a 4k one, so you're on your own on this particular experiment. BP> and still have usb c ports to be used as monitors ports :=) Exactly the same for the AsRock 4x4. BP> screens can be transportable, hehe I am thinking more about in vehicle type applications, such as onboard boat computers. BP> so you miss firmware ?, or just a asus pn50 ? :) I've got too much stinkin' firmware and no asus anything. The asrock 4x4 is what is supplying the 4800U which matches your asus pn50. BP> also links -g https://localhost/mypicture.jpg :) I use fbi for stuff like that. I prefer links as a purely text based web browser. Also I disable gpm mouse so that cutting text from links to a different console is doable. That is far more productive than staring at meaningless graphics. ;-) BP> i have a 49" android tv, cheap :=) I don't know about android ones, but all the 4k TVs around these parts cost at least 3 times what a 1080p monitor does and is unlikely to fit into a mobile situation such as an in vehicle computer. BP> but it is expansive if it just a monitor, hmm The 4k I have is just a monitor. It is not noticeably better than a like sized 1080p monitor and is at least twice the cost. BP> rasberry pi 7" touch screen ?, i have one of them, still BP> planning on create something with it I've seen those. Personally I don't like touch screens but I do see them everywhere these days so apparently it is just me who avoids them. BP> yes it nice, olso on hollydays :=) :-) I like your spelling of holidays. Life is good, Maurice .... Scearp scyldwiga [sceal] gescad witan worda ond worca. A sharp warrior must know the difference between words and deeds. --- GNU bash, version 5.1.16(1)-release (x86_64-znver1-linux-gnu) * Origin: Little Mikey's EuroPoint @ (2:280/464.113) .