Subj : kernel 6.1 To : Benny Pedersen From : Alan Ianson Date : Wed Dec 28 2022 10:39 am >> Can you compile GoldED on gentoo? > i can, just unsure how Me too.. ;) > i would build a ebuild to it, no precompiled here Yes, I always build my own if source is available. Golded source is available but it doesn't compile on gentoo for reasons I am not sure of. >> I'm having issues.. something about tinfo and I am not sure how to >> proceed. > tinfo is timezoneinfo ? It has something to do with ncurses. > i have humor too Must have humor at least. --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6 * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757) .