Subj : it's too easy To : Alan Ianson From : Maurice Kinal Date : Tue Feb 21 2023 07:54 am Hey Alan! AI> Did you have a problem with grub saying there were no valid file AI> systems found? Yes. Also I found this fix for grub at the LFS site; Turns out that it requires patching for the new e2fsprogs-1.47.0 which I forgot I updated. So the git version is no longer required. AI> I actually tried building grub from git but I was missing AI> dependencies and wasn't sure where to get them. That sounds weird. Which version of git? Life is good, Maurice -o o- o- -o (\ /) /) (\ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ .... Ellen biþ selast þam þe oftost sceal dreogan dryhtenbealu. Courage is best for one who must very often suffer great evils. --- GNU bash, version 5.2.15(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) * Origin: Little Mikey's EuroPoint @ (2:280/464.113) .