Subj : Virtual/Docker BBS To : Maurice Kinal From : Andrew Alt Date : Thu Feb 23 2023 03:17 pm -=> Maurice Kinal wrote to Andrew Alt <=- MK> Hey Andrew! AA> Someone asked about running Synchronet BBS in a docker container. MK> I was thinking more along the line of a standard ansi-type bbs except MK> in my case it would serve up the 'linux' terminal which in my case also MK> happens to have framebuffer graphics available to it. That way it MK> potentially could serve up pdf and the such. I think a stock ttylinux MK> could easily handle something like this although I'd have to work out MK> the graphical output ... also utf-8 will require a bit of MK> jiggery-pokery. Sounds interesting. Last week I started updating ttylinux ( but it's doubtful I'll continue with it on my own. -- -Andy Website: .... I am not Paul. -+- MultiMail/Linux v0.52-c9c24da --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6 * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38) .