Subj : Virtual/Docker BBS To : Andrew Alt From : Maurice Kinal Date : Thu Feb 23 2023 08:52 pm Hey Andrew! AA> Last week I started updating ttylinux ... but it's doubtful I'll AA> continue with it on my own. It is far too much of a commitment for this old man. These days I am sticking to playing and helping out where I can. As for lfs, I doubt I could quit at this stage of the game. I got hooked around the same time I first started playing with ttylinux. For me they almost became the same thing. Life is good, Maurice -o o- o- -o (\ /) /) (\ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ .... I've got squirrels in my pants! --- GNU bash, version 5.2.15(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) * Origin: Little Mikey's Brain - Ladysmith BC, Canada (1:153/7001) .