Subj : Re: syncterm To : Andy Alt From : Alan Ianson Date : Thu Mar 02 2023 03:18 am >> I have always had syncterm installed. It has always built and run for >> me even on the console but I haven't had success building syncterm here >> without xorg and friends. > On your LFS system? Yes, it wouldn't build for me and I was short of time then to have a closer look. > What if you do this? (or is this what you did?) > Download syncterm-1.1-src.tgz from the official project page > Extract the source > From the root of the source directory, cd to 'src/syncterm' > enter in 'make RELEASE=1 Yes, that's the way I have always built syncterm. Usually I also do "sudo make install" when make is done and I am good to go. > That should build the syncterm binary in > src/syncterm/gcc.linux.x64.exe.release Yes. When I build syncterm an a machine with out xorg or SDL it runs fine from the console. It doesn't have any desktop support (which is also nice) but works fine from the console. > For me, it's not linking to any xorg or SDL2 libs: > ldd syncterm > (0x00007ffe9cfce000) > => /lib64/ (0x00007f550d9b8000) > => /lib64/ (0x00007f550d9b3000) > => /lib64/ (0x00007f550d975000) > => /lib64/ (0x00007f550d944000) > => /lib64/ (0x00007f550d7fc000) > => /lib64/ (0x00007f550d7db000) > => /lib64/ (0x00007f550d5fa000) > /lib64/ (0x00007f550d9cf000) > Though I didn't do that in LFS, I did it in the slackware-build-essential > docker container >( > neral) I wish I would have dug in a bit more but I'll do that on the next go around. >> I have xorg and friends installed now so I'm sure I can get it done but >> minicom is working for me anyway. > Nice to hear! Yep, I like minicom. I am about to get xmms installed. It needs an older version of glib installed. The source and a bunch of patches live in the slackware tree so I'll go grab it from there and try my luck. I usually use vlc or audacious but xmms is nice too. --- BBBS/Li6 v4.10 Toy-6 * Origin: The Rusty MailBox - Penticton, BC Canada (1:153/757) .