Subj : xen windows domU slow To : All From : Daniel Path Date : Thu Apr 13 2023 05:28 pm Hello All, anyone here using Xen as a hypervisor? i am using it since years, now i had to install a windows domU and its very slow. i have installed the Xen drivers from here, which was slighly better: /windows-pv-drivers-9-0-0/ i have added 8 cores and 8 gigz of ram, and its still not too responsive. can i tweak it somewhere? or am i missing sg. in the cfg? its a fast 2x24 core xeon HP dl380g9 on ssds. the other (linux) vms are fast as lightning. Regards, -- dp -=>> telnet:// <<=- .... Uptime: 6d 9h 23m 55s --- GoldED/2 * Origin: Roon's BBS - Budapest, HUNGARY (2:371/52) .