Subj : Re: lfs users? To : Alan Ianson From : paul lee Date : Sun Aug 06 2023 09:43 pm AI> I run lfs too, I like the sysv version. I like systemd also but I haven't AI> figured out how to quiet the console. Very nice - I'm currently trying to tame a systemd install and its giving me a little more headache than the standard build. AI> I'm a gamer (old time games) so I build prboom-plus, quakespasm and AI> ioQuake3 and other things like that. Ahhh - good ideas; I'll have to attempt to get the retro running. :P AI> I have three machines that I installed lfs on. My desktop where I play AI> the most, the BBS machine that just runs the BBS, and a laptop. I enjoy hardware builds the best. AI> I've built a few things outside of blfs, but I don't remember what at the AI> moment. Minicom, szrz, and modumu2k recently. AI> Thanks for sharing - I've been enjoying learning the LFS. |07p|15AULIE|1142|07o |08......... --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Linux/64) * Origin: 2o fOr beeRS bbS>> (1:105/420) .