Subj : I've got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle To : Maurice Kinal From : Nicholas Boel Date : Sat Nov 25 2023 10:14 pm Hello Maurice, On Saturday November 25 2023 21:29, you wrote to me: NB>> I follow most development of any software that's still being NB>> worked on. MK> Understood. I believe once you fixed the word wrapping problem with a MK> certain editor you went well beyond the call of duty. No committee to MK> get in the way either. ;-) As I'm sure you knew, I meant FTN/BBS related softwares. But yes, getting nano fixed was quite a few years ago already. Time flies. NB>> Has there been anything interesting in the 4K world when it NB>> comes to Fidonet? MK> As far as I am personally concerned, it isn't the lack of development MK> that is the main problem. Fidonet needs a good purging of all the MK> obsolete and buggy code rather than developing new obsolete and buggy MK> code. At this point, I'm just happy a handful or two are still programming for this technology, which is basically hanging on by a thread. ;( Regards, Nick .... "Take my advice, I don't use it anyway." --- GoldED+/LNX 1.1.5-b20231112 * Origin: thePharcyde_ distribution system (Wisconsin) (1:154/10) .