Subj : i am part of that power w To : Mike Powell From : Benny Pedersen Date : Sun Feb 04 2024 07:38 am Hello Mike! 22 Jan 2024 09:20, Mike Powell wrote to BENNY PEDERSEN: >> you miss my point, i have a 80286 in my gvp amiga harddisk controller, >> so i co d use msdos, or maybe linux for 16 bit arch :) MP> I don't think that linux will run on a 286, but minux might. +1 MP> I was not aware that amiga HD controllers had 80286 chips on them. its just a plugin card, its not installed at bougt time, so i have to pay extre for this, on the page it says emulation, while it is a real 286 onboard, hmm :=) MP> That is interesting. Would you be able to install an intel OS and still be MP> able to also use your amiga processor to run an amiga os (like dual boot)? yes the 286 runs msdos perfektly fine, async with amiga at same time, if you have a z80 mbc, it would be like plug a uterm on that to see msdos screen on linux :=) (via usb cable) i also have a atonce, with is a card to plugin on the 68000 amiga cpu, the pc286 is just one for gvp harddisk controller it was cool at the time it existed, i just wonder if it could run fidonet software on the pc side of it, the amiga ram could be used in msdos as highmem, so no problem with this, i did not have networking, just amiga harddisk file shareing, eq northon command could move files from amiga to the virtual harddisk on the pc side, and visa versa Regards Benny .... too late to die young :) --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/6.7.3-gentoo-dist (x86_64)) * Origin: gopher:// (2:230/0) .