Subj : friends and fellows :) To : Maurice Kinal From : Benny Pedersen Date : Sat Jun 01 2024 08:31 pm Hello Maurice! 01 Jun 2024 15:30, Maurice Kinal wrote to Benny Pedersen: MK> Hej Benny! BP>> got a problem ? MK> Yes. How many would you like? only max a handfull :) i need to rebase husky here, and do it still via gentoo ebuilds, my current is the old cvs from, damm it now is read only repo, and still it now breaks rebuild of changes :/ i blame for this stupid changes of repo sources so i need to spend time on make git ebuilds so it still keep stable, i wish if husky would change to one single tarball with would make sources lot more stable with single path and builds on every install, have multi tarballs makes it possible to have 2 tarball sources not compatible with api functions with can break updates also lost the binkp source, hope i could make a none root build test to see if it atleast compile without errors, if it do then i know what ebuilds to create MK> Het leven is goed, MK> Maurice MK> -o o- o- -o MK> (\ /) /) (\ MK> ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ go west >>>> MK> ... Fidonet 1080p - De vier pingu|»ns van de Apocalyps MK> -+- GNU bash, version 5.2.26(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu) MK> + Origin: Little Mikey's EuroPoint @ (2:280/464.113) Regards Benny .... too late to die young :) --- Msged/LNX 6.1.2 (Linux/6.9.3-gentoo-dist (x86_64)) * Origin: gopher:// (2:230/0) .