Subj : Reminder: Moving To : All From : Digital Man Date : Thu Dec 18 2003 03:04 pm My DSL service is scheduled to be turned off tomorrow (Friday, December 19th). I actually already have DSL service at the new house, but cannot move in until Escrow closes and we get the keys (most likely, sometime Monday). www/ will continue to function, but vert/bbs/rob/ will be down and there will not be dynamic DNS update service available until the systems are up and running at the new house (with new IP addresses). Deuce ( is our secondary name service provider, so any hostnames already in the zone files will continue to resolve, they just can't be updated (changed to a new IP address) until Vertrauen is back online. So don't fret if DOVE-Net or dyndns service isn't working over the weekend. This is an unfortunate, but unavoidable outage while I move to a new house. :-) digital man Snapple "Real Fact" #12: Emus and Kangaroos cannot walk backwards. .