Subj : New PDN files To : All From : Pdn Hq Date : Wed Jul 25 2001 01:46 pm Today, <;" Matt Austern's web column, "The Standard Librarian;" and Robert C. Martin's web column, "Engineering Notebook." File: (896kB) Desc: The code listings for the September 2001 issue of C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Shehrzad Qureshi's article, "Image Rotation Using OpenGL Texture Maps;" Bob Lorenzen's article, "An Algorithm for Efficient Image Warping;" Mark Nelson's article, "A C++ Debug Stream for Win32;" and Eli Tilevich's article, "Extending the Standard Template Library with Association Classes." Also included are listings from Matt Austern's column, "The Standard Librarian;" and Jack Reeves's web column, "The (B)Leading Edge." In addition, supplementary files to John Hubbard's May 2001 article, "Building a Professional Software Toolkit," are also available. File: (6kB) Desc: The code listings for the Java Solutions supplement to the August 2001 C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Chuck Allison's column, "import java.*: Reflection." These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) ======================================================================= File requests welcome at 1:2320/38 (1-502-245-6778) V.Everything ADSL ======================================================================= --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-3 * Origin: Prism bbs (1:2320/38) .