Subj : New PDN files To : All From : Pdn Hq Date : Wed Nov 20 2002 01:31 am Today, Prism bbs received the following files: ======================================================================== Area: PDNJAVA JAVA Programming Files Origin: 1:261/38 ======================================================================== File: (413kB) Desc: Java static analysis tool (JavaChecker) JavaChecker checks for the following things in Java source files: warns if function name equals constructor name, if default constructor is not found in the class, if multiply or divide operator is used instead of shift operator for two's power, warns about local variables if variables have not been used, warns about function parameter variables if variables have not been used, if member variables have not been used and it warns if explicit import-clauses are not used. File: (551kB) Desc: JQData FTP v2.0 written in Java, with api and source. This archive contains JQData-api.jar File: (133kB) Desc: JQData FTP v2.0 written in Java, with api and source. This archive contains JQData-Source.jar File: (627kB) Desc: db4o - database for objects - version 2.5. db4o detects the structure of your user classes at runtime and adjusts it's storage scheme automatically, even if you modify your classes. You don't have to worry about managing table schemes or XML mapping files. Simply store your objects. - There is no need to modify your classes to be able to persist objects. Since reflection is used and since the reference management system works separately from your user objects, it is possible to run an unlimited number of database file sessions in one VM and to move objects freely between database files. File: (214kB) Desc: JQData FTP v2.0 written in Java, with api and source. This archive contains JQData-FTP.jar. File: (315kB) Desc: JMP - Java Memory Profiler - version 0.22. JMP is a java profiler that can show memory usage and method times. It uses a gtk/2.x user interface, but may be compiled and run without any user interface. This release is mainly refactoring of the user interface code to enable jmp without gtk and make it easy to add other toolkits like windows or aqua. Some statistics on garbage collection was added. File: (103kB) Desc: A free tool that alleviates the generation of jar files. You only need to name the main class, the tool will scan the byte code recursively for referenced classes, extract them from their archives, if nesessary, and add them to your jar file. These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) ======================================================================= File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything ======================================================================= --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4 * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38) .