Subj : New PDN files To : All From : Pdn Hq Date : Fri Jan 24 2003 06:50 pm Today, <;" and Gualtiero Chiaia's online article "XML-Based Factories and Reusable Components." File: (335kB), Desc: C/C++ Users Journal, The code listings for the March 2003 issue of C/C++ Users Journal include source code for Stephan Gr³nfelder's article, "Easy Analog Data Compression;" Miro Samek's article, "Quantum Programming for Embedded Systems: Toward a Hassle-Free Multithreading;" Angelika Langer and Klaus Kreft's article, "C++ Expression Templates;" Matthew Wilson's article, "True typedefs;" Gene Michael Stover's article, "The Boehm Collector for C and C++;" Alex Gontmakher and Shachar Itzhaki's tip, "C/C++ Tip #13: Limiting Template Symbol Size;" Randy Meyers and Dr. Thomas Plum's column, "The New C;" and Bobby Schmidt's column, "Uncaught Exceptions." Also included is source code for Scott Moore's online article "Quick and Easy XML Creation with C++ Classes." File: (1441kB), Desc: Dr. Dobbs Journal, February, 2003. These files brought to you by the IFDC FileGate Project (service mark) ======================================================================= File requests welcome at 1:261/38 (1-607-655-5652) V.Everything ======================================================================= --- BBBS/LiI v4.01 Flag-4 * Origin: Prism bbs (1:261/38) .