Subj : for the record To : Janis Kracht From : Maurice Kinal Date : Fri Apr 29 2011 05:05 am Hey Janis! 28 Apr 11 21:28, Janis Kracht wrote to Maurice Kinal: JK> Glad you noticed my echo - Welcome :) Actually I've been aware of it for ages but I think this might be my first post, or at least the first post from a remote. >> >> as the defacto source of what I am referring to in this particular >> message. JK> The PDN does distribute some files with no source code, but JK> generally source is preferred.. that is the point of the PDN, JK> distributing freeware source. The source I refer to isn't source code but instead a source for the differing licences with respect to opensource. Depending on the license there is no restictions as per distribution of compiled binaries with source as long as the license in question is honoured. I am not aware of any license issues with freeware unless of course the author states that there is one. I have seen sites list certain software that could easily be listed as GPLed and unless the software was modified by anyone other than the author it need not supply source code. Also, and probably more applicable to distributed software these days, is that the software might contain the version of the (g++ lib) the software was compiled against without needing to distribute the source code for the gcc version employed as long as the gcc source wasn't modified. That makes it easier for c++ coders to distribute their work and ensure compatibilty, or so I've heard. I don't recall offhand when this revision was made to accomodate this particular circumstance. JK> Licences included in files may be of JK> any type (copy-left-ish, I guess) as long as there are no JK> limititations for our distribution of the files.. Exactly. Stating such certainly doesn't hurt and may even be a godsend. JK> say, if someone wants to distribute someone else's work, JK> distribution rights of authors must be checked beforehand. Not unless something was changed. Usually it is enough to state the license in question and it shouldn't hurt to credit the author. Also stating where the source can be obtained should be encouraged. Build scripts are always a nice touch methinks. :-) JK> Sometimes written permission from an author is necessary, for JK> instance. I believe that is dependent on the license and whether the source was modified. Life is good, Maurice --- Msged/LNX 6.2.0 * Origin: The Pointy Stick Society (1:261/38.9) .