Subj : Re: Current Files.BBS importer To : T.J. Mcmillen From : Nick Andre Date : Tue Mar 09 2021 10:37 am On 09 Mar 21 07:19:31, T.J. Mcmillen said the following to Nick Andre: NA> I wrote my own Tic processor but theres nooooooooooooo way I'm going to co NA> tossing for several different Renegade filebase formats. TM> TM> The records.pas I gave you with the 1.22 source code should be the latest . TM> minus the ver # didn' get changed. Speaking as a both the #1 fan and a 3rd-party developer you should really be aware of how absolutely frustrating it is to write anything for Renegade. Things were perfectly "fine" up until structures, menufiles and datafiles were screwed around with. We lost every single 3rd-party utility over the years for Renegade because of structure changes. Including Allfix which worked amazing. Its one thing to change structures in the 90's when everyone and their mother was writing BBS stuff but not in the 2000's, 2010's when most utils are abandonware. The nail in the coffin was Nuclear's changes to structures *yet again*. If I'm correct - first everything was perfectly fine with 5-line descriptions. Nobody screamed murder over that for a long time. Then came 10-line, structure change. Then more lines, another structure change? Now seperate Ext files? You have my system on Y2ka2 which will never change, PB I think runs 1.18, yours on 1.22... how does one write a Tic processor to support this exactly? If someone put back all the structures to what they were in Y2kA2 or earlier even, we could use all those many cool utils from the 90's and get Allfix working with it again. Nick --- Renegade vY2Ka2 * Origin: Joey, do you like movies about gladiators? (1:229/426) .