Subj : Changes being made ... To : All From : T.J. Mcmillen Date : Sun Jan 30 2022 09:55 am Here's a list of what we've been working on since v1.25/DOS of Renegade was released. Took some time off after Christmas, but we're back in the saddle. ;) Updates since v1.25/DOS was released. ============================================================================ U - Updated A - Added F - Fixed ============================================================================ A. Not really a Renegade Fix, but added Lee Woodridge to the Renegade Development Team. A. Added internal OneLiner Program. New Files : ONELH.* - Oneliners Header (Optional) ONELM.* - Oneliners Middle (Required!!) ONELT.* - Oneliners Footer (Optional) ONELM.* MCI Codes : ~AN (Anon - Yes/No) ~AT (Anon - True/False) ~DA (Date Added) ~OL (The Oneliner) ~RN (Record Number) ~U# (User ID with '#') ~U1 (User ID without '#') ~UN (User Name) ~UL (User Name Lowercase) ~US (First 2 Letters of Username - iNiQUiTY Style) ~UU (First 2 letters of username lowercase) New MENUCMD Keys For OneLiners: 1L - Display Oneliner (Header/Footer & all Oneliners) 1R - Display Random line from Oneliner File F. Local file upload bug. Before when uploading locally with the FU command key after 1 upload it would stop and you would have to repeat the process. It somehow become broken over the years and no one said anything. Now it will upload all files without stopping if a *.* is entered for the filename. F. When a file was moved, if it was a dupe, the file wasn't moved but the description was. This is no longer the case. If the file is a dupe, nothing is moved. This prevents dupe file descriptions. F. The (~TO) MCI Code in the LASTM.ASC file would display a random number when viewed while the user was still online. This has now been updated to show " - " until the user logs off and the correct time online will be shown by this MCI code. A. New MCI Code - %XYaa;bb% (aa=01-80 Left to right) and (bb=01-25 Top to Bottom). Allows format positioning of the cursor without the need of having your ANSI menu file do it, for you. Say you wanted the word "Hello!" to appear in the middle of the screen, it would be used as such: %XY40;12%Hello! The above would move the cursor to space 40, line 12, and put your text of "Hello!" starting there. U. The Auto Message is now configurable. It is like the oneliner, last caller, user list, etc. It has a header, main, and a footer file in the MISC directory. The auto message is now saved as "AUTOM.ASC" instead of "AUTO.ASC" to make it conform to the rest of the code base. New Files : AUTOH.* - Auto Message Header (Optional) AUTOM.* - (Can be made, but automagically made when a auto) (message is created. This is your auto message.) AUTOT.* - Auto Message Footer (Optional) U. Disabled Forgot password response for Co-SyOp and above. This would prevent someone from trying to logon as the SysOp and trying the forgot password question answer and resetting it so they can logon as the SysOp. U. Can now scroll through the node settings without having to load each node seperately. A. Added System Config Menu Option (N). SysOp Macros. They were moved from another submenu to make a more cleaner look and easier to find. F. Removed System Config and File Area Editors strings from the language files to prevent unwanted access. Also removed the MCI codes that ran these menus (which would've caused a problem in certain instances.) A. YES/NO LightBar Choice options added to the YES/NO Prompt MENUCMDs. F. Split Screen Chat now auto scrolls and stays within it's borders. Also added help commands that are listed in the center of the chat screen. U. When the SysOp breaks into chat via a "Chat Page" with the SpaceBar the split screen chat will auto load. Otherwise, the normal line chat will be used. Chat commands are as follows: ALT-C - Line Chat ALT-S - Split Screen Chat U. Teleconference strings are now located within the RGLNG text file instead of the Node setup options screen in the system configuration section. U. RENEGADE.EXE /? now shows what command line parameters are available to run along with a short message of what each does. U. All strings are now combined into RGLNG.TXT. A. New MENUCMD *T to toggle SysOp Chat Availability without the use of the SCROLL LOCK key. Also, new MCI Code %SA to show if the sysop is avaliable or not. U. Removed more strings from Renegade and added them to RGLNG.TXT for more editing for the SysOp. U. Redid NewUser Toggle Questions Menu to add all toggles in one place. Remember to clear your all of your toggles after you upgrade so the new changes will take effect. Cmd Key of * will do this for you. U. User #0 (Default account) can now be cleared for all user options. Cmd Key of $ will allow you to clear out which fields you want to be blank instead of having a "." or some random text in the user data file. This is also a good idea to do once you upgrade as the forgot password question more than likely has a space in it's field and more than likely won't work until you clear the prompt with the $ cmd key. U. Updated OP Menu CMD options. Be sure to change these in your NEWINFO menu and PERSONAL info menus or else what you have listed won't match what it does. ;) New OP Menu CMD Options: 1 Handle 2 Real Name 3 Country 4 Address 5 City, State 6 Zip Code 7 Phone Number 8 Age 9 Gender 10 SysOp Defined Question #1 11 SysOp Defined Question #2 12 SysOp Defined Question #3 13 Password 14 Forgot Password Question Answer 15 Terminal Emulation 16 ANSI Color Toggle 17 Color Scheme 18 Screen Size 19 Screen Clearing 20 Screen Pausing 21 Hotkey Input 22 Expert Mode 23 Lightbars Toggle 24 Editor Toggle 25 Mailbox Toggle 26 QWK Configuration 27 * UNUSED * 28 * UNUSED * 29 * UNUSED * 30 * UNUSED * U. Updated SysOp LOG Output. Now shows a bit more info on what the user was doing while online. Such as what menus were accessed (along with menu titles & numbers) and a time stamp on when things were accessed. .... Redneck marriage proposal:.........YER WHUT!!?????? --- Renegade v1.30r1/Exp * Origin: The Titantic BBS Telnet - (1:129/305) .