Subj : Question.. To : Oden From : MBR Date : Thu Feb 24 2005 10:05 pm Re: Question.. By: Melkor to Oden on Thu Feb 24 2005 05:21 pm > > I want to know if there is a better telent host the n "mt32" ... I > > never used a FTP software.... are they good for files? aI a sulppose. > I use mtelnet or hyperterminal myself.. Yes FTP is great for files... > I use coreftp lite... > ... To be natural is such a very difficult pose to keep up. Join i use qmodem pro for windows and mtel32 myself. i find myself using mtel almost 100% of the time.. btw for a freeware ftp client check out filezilla and for a ftp server check out filezilla server both are kick ass awsome clients The Evil MBR Has Spoken Retro PC BBS Telnet To: --- þ Synchronet þ -= Retro PC BBS =-= Wilson NY, USA =-= =- .