Subj : Javascript Door To : Rassilon From : Lord Time Date : Thu Mar 25 2010 11:37 pm In a reply from Rassilon on 23:37 about Javascript Door R> I was just trying to add a javascript door & I seem to have run into a snag. R> I can't get the javascript to run. Synchronet just pauses for a second & R> returns to the prompt. what one? R> Is it even possible to write a door in javascript or do I need to use baja R> or C++ or something? this I can't answer --- Rob Starr Lord Time SysOp of Time Warp of the Future BBS telnet:// ICQ # 11868133 Yahoo : lordtime2000 AIM : LordTime20000 MSN : Lord Time Jabber : Astra : lord_time þ CMPQwk 1.42-R2 16554 þ I [*] My dog. He [ate] My Cat. --- þ Synchronet þ Time Warp of the Future BBS - Home of League 10 IBBS Games .