Subj : mailall.js To : Digital Man From : Access Denied Date : Sun May 23 2010 08:28 am Hey DM, Back roughly a year ago you made me a bulk email mod called mailall.js (based off bulkmail.js, but with the ability of using javascript to send them account information, etc). I'm routing through my SMTP server via my ISP just fine, but it seems as though after it sends out some emails, it starts giving me errors of "421 Connection rate too high, try again later [R0203001]." Is there a way to slow this process down so that it doesn't connect so fast? Or is it just because of the _amount_ of connections? I believe it was trying to send out about 230 emails in under a minute, and after about 100 it started giving me that error message. Maybe if there was a delay in between messages going out it would fix this? I guess it doesn't matter how long it takes to get done, as long as it works for every email. axisd --- þ Synchronet þ thePharcyde_ >> telnet:// (Wisconsin) .