Subj : Getting the telnet port number To : All From : Ree Date : Wed Jan 19 2011 10:14 am Hey, I'm working on a WebSocket to telnet re-director for Synchronet, and have a few questions: 1) Is there a property/method I can use to determine what port the telnet server is running on? Currently I've hardcoded to connect to system.local_host_name on port 23, but ideally I'd like the port number to come from a variable like the host name does 2) Will there be a problem with possibly having multiple connections from the same IP address? For example 5 different people could all be connecting via a WebSocket client, and so the WebSocket server will see 5 unique IP addresses, but then the Telnet server will see 5 connections from If if's possible that some systems have a "only 1 connection per IP" rule in place, that'd be problematic, but I don't know if that's an option, or commonly enforced if it is. 3) How do I get the service included in the official Synchronet release archives (hopefully enabled by default, but even if it's disabled but included that would be great too)? Or do I just distribute on my own site and hope people find it? Thanks, Rick .