Subj : Multiuser chat room To : All From : Ice Date : Thu Jun 09 2011 04:15 pm so i want to make a multiplayer "mud" game, and was gonna use tele-arena as my model, since i rewrote it form worldgroup in C i figured i would make a synchronet port, that gave me 2 options, C or JS, and since i never played with JS before i took on a learning project :) anyhow, to better aid myself i broke the project into steps, first playing with the ini databasing which i think i pretty much got the hang of, and now im working on parsing my input routines. here's what i got thus far: while(1) { var cmd = console.getstr().toLowerCase(); if((cmd=="exit") || (cmd=="x")) exit(); else { console.writeln(format("You typed: %s",cmd)); console.crlf(); console.print(":"); } } while that does work for single word commands i wanted to better learn how to parse it for multiple character commands. so like if i wanted to whisper to a user like "whisper " in C i would go: if((argc==3) && (!stricmp(argv[0],"whisper"))) { whisper(argv[1],argv[2]); } can anyone point me in the direction for a better formula to grab pieces of the text and break it into subparts like above? i tried this way: var cmd = console.getstr().toLowerCase(); console.writeln(format("You typed: %s",cmd)); var parsed = cmd.split(" ",3); console.writeln(format("I parsed it to: %s %s %s",parsed[0], parsed[1], parsed[2])); which did seem to work but just seemed like a hard way to do something easier. any thoughts? .