Subj : MsgBase.save_msg() and line endings To : Digital Man From : Nightfox Date : Tue Jan 22 2013 07:46 am Re: MsgBase.save_msg() and line endings By: Digital Man to Nightfox on Mon Jan 21 2013 23:53:23 DM> SMB has required lines be termined with "\r\n" since it's inception. One DM> recent change to this is that so-called "soft carriage-returns" are now DM> encoded as DM> " \n". This is because Synchronet (as of v3.15) now rd-word-wraps messages DM> when displaying via the Terminal Server (e.g. ANSI over Telnet) and we DM> needed a distinction between auto-wrapped lines (via an editor's DM> word-wrapping) and a so-called "hard CR" (when the author hit ENTER). See DM> docs/WRAP.txt or ask Deuce for more details. Thanks. Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion BBS - .