Subj : printf and color codes To : Nightfox From : MCMLXXIX Date : Tue Jan 22 2013 12:03 pm Re: printf and color codes By: Nightfox to Digital Man on Tue Jan 22 2013 07:46:06 > Re: printf and color codes > By: Digital Man to Nightfox on Mon Jan 21 2013 23:56:55 > > DM> That's not how printf (and the related formatting functions) in C work > DM> however. The width modifier to the %s specifier does not specify the > DM> number of "printable" characters, just the number of characters, period > DM> (which includes non-printable characters, like \a, \b, and so on). > > Coming from a C/C++ background, I suspected that was so. Even then, it seem > somewhat odd.. But oh well, we deal with it. :) > I still think that if the function is going to handle the non-printable characters, it should account for them. If it's not going to account for them, printf() shouldn't be able to handle them (like console.write) --- þ Synchronet þ The BRoKEN BuBBLE (MDJ.ATH.CX) .