Subj : bbs.smb_curmsg in messages to you To : All From : Nightfox Date : Sat May 04 2013 08:29 am This could be a somewhat obscure issue, but here goes. When replying to messages using Synchronet's "Scan for messages to you" feature, I've noticed that bbs.smb_curmsg seems to be relative to the messages to you rather than to the entire list of messages in the sub-board. For instance, when reading the first message to you, bbs.smb_curmsg is 0, regardless of whether that message is the first message in the sub-board or not. I'd like to be able to get the current message number/index, like smb_curmsg, that is always relative to the entire list of messages, even when replying to messages using the "Scan for messages to you" feature. Has anyone tried this and know if it's possible? Nightfox --- þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion BBS - .