Subj : imho i made a pretty cool first shell, working now, check it out! To : All From : Garth Grudge Date : Sat Feb 08 2014 04:08 pm well after about a month and half of javascript immersion and tinkering i made a shell. my intent in designing the shell was to create a shell that kind of puts it all out there at once and let's you kinda graze information while you're still in the shell. it uses frames.js to host the following features: an RSS ticker, (using rss-atom) -chat system with conditional formatting (using json-chat) - message viewer that is reverse threaded and uses conditional formatting and allows for cycling through all menu bases with arrow keys other features that aren't that crazy are the menu system (basically i took the classic shell and put it in a frame with a few mods here and there). it also displays some random ansi's and files from a banner folder in the bottom left. anyhow, you can test it out telnet to ... there is a known issue with regards to idling and socket disconnects that will be handled soon. other than that, hopefully the shell works. OH ONE MORE THING, the shell is not set up for the global hot keys, so if for some reason one gets entered, you will likely need the screen to redraw. Press Control-S to do that. You can hit ? at any prompt to see a help file which hopefully makes more sense in context. Anyhow, that's ... it's the result of at least a month of furious work learning javascript and the ins and outs of synchronet, and maybe it will inspire some people in some way, as it's cool to see people developing for synchronet, and I couldn't have done it without the help of the people already doing so. I wouldn't say it's easy, or I'm done, but definitely worth the effort as javascript is hardly isolated to the BBS world. blah blah blah let me know if you see any bugs if you want... i can't promise i can fix them. i got more ideas to work in, so i'm good on that. it's more a matter of my aptitude at this point. also, you need ANSI an 80x24 resolution at least. yee haw! --- þ Synchronet þ Coming at you from North Korea Net .