Subj : Re: Euphoria JS Command S To : Ispyhumanfly From : Access Denied Date : Tue Jul 22 2014 06:05 pm On 07/22/14, Ispyhumanfly said the following... Is> It's been a long while since I've been on here. Some of you may remember Is> me as the sysop of Euphoria, Is> and the developer of SpyLister, CTRL and the Phoenix_s3 JavaScript Is> command shell. I took the board Is> down back in 2006, and have lost touch withmany of you. Hey man. Nice to see you make your way back! We definitely lost touch, and even when I'd shoot the shit with Ron you didn't seem to have any interest in saying anything at the time, but.. glad to see you tinkering with the hobby again. Regards, Nick --- Mystic BBS v1.10 A51 (Linux) * Origin: thePharcyde_ telnet:// (Wisconsin) .