Subj : Date format setting or system toggle options To : Nightfox From : echicken Date : Thu Jul 31 2014 01:24 am Re: Date format setting or system toggle options By: Nightfox to All on Wed Jul 30 2014 20:10:43 Ni> In Synchronet JavaScript, does anyone know if there's a way to get the Ni> setting for whether to use European date format (as under SCFG > System > Ni> Toggle Options > European Date Format (DD/MM/YY))? I've checked in the Ni> Synchronet JavaScript Object Model Reference but I'm not seeing where that I don't think that setting is exposed to the JS environment, however the output of the system.datestr method is dictated by it. --- echicken electronic chicken bbs - - 416-273-7230 þ Synchronet þ electronic chicken bbs - .