Subj : Re: thought I'd share this Synchronet -> Wordpress Module I cobbled togeth To : nolageek From : LaRRy LaGoMoRpH Date : Thu Aug 14 2014 10:53 pm > Re: thought I'd share this Synchronet -> Wordpress Module I cobbled > togeth > By: LaRRy LaGoMoRpH to All on Wed Aug 13 2014 11:31 pm > > LL> suppose it would be called module. It basically just allows you to > LL> interface with wordpress posts, Create, read, update using simple > LL> javascript objects. You don't really need to be too advanced with > > This is pretty interesting. I use wordpress for my website > (!) and would like a way to "sync" some posts from a > certain Sub (announcements, etc...) > > Looking forward to what comes next with this! > I think being able to sync subs is just a matter of how creative you get with it. I don't think you'd really necessarily need this module to cobble something together, I actually think I've cobbled some things together using the listserver function on synchronet where you can email to a message board. I guess you can subscribe to wordpress sites via email, and that might be one way. i think i did it using some rss feed to email service. Anyhow, it's definitely possible to some extent, but I would suppose if one were familiar with the Synchronet message objects it's probably trivial. The cool thing is it kinda opens you up to exploiting wordpress plugins for your bbs too. Since I have things like social media updaters on my wordpress site by category for instance, if I wanted to publish something across facebook,twitter, tumblr, google + I probably can leverage a solution that someone already built-in. If you wanted to make posts on login for instance, or when someone got a high score on a game or whatever action you can do whatever. I didn't crack the full API or anything, there are endpoints and routes that aren't handled. You can handle users for instance with the API, which I could see opening up some cool things, but I have no interest in that for my purposes right now, and I'm probably the most imaginative on this frontier right now (wordpress + synchronet cross functionality). I'm not sure how long or why I would do it if I did add more stuff though. But I'll probably find out as I build out my app that uses this module and update the github accordingly. It definitely can be extended and if anyone wants to try have at it. ;) Also, I'm just using basicAuth because I was having a hard time installing some stuff on my WP server, so I probably will update that in due time. blah blah blah i'm glad you're interested though! supercheers, llmorphg --- þ Synchronet þ telnet to and check out our website for a sneak pre .